We look at your company through the lens of meaningful key figures and develop individual concepts on this basis in order to achieve your business goals. As experienced tax consultants, we not only support you in your start-up process, but also accompany you in your growth and focus on sustainable strategies for long-term success.
Ob Privatperson oder Unternehmen - Unsere Experten beraten Sie gestalterisch mit einer maßgeschneiderten Strategie, um Ihre steuerlichen Herausforderungen zu klären und Ihre finanziellen Ziele nachhaltig zu erreichen. Hierbei setzen wir einen klaren Fokus darauf, selbst anspruchsvolle Sachverhalte stets so zu vermitteln, dass sie für jeden verständlich sind und auf gleicher Augenhöhe kommuniziert werden. Von der Finanzbuchhaltung, über die Jahresabschlusserstellung bis hin zu Sonderthemen wie z. B. der Beratung von Vereinen oder Fragen rund um das Thema Kindergeld, umfasst unser Leistungsportfolio ein breites Spektrum, das einen ganzheitlichen Blick auf Ihre individuelle Situation.
The successful establishment of a company requires precise planning. With our many years of experience, we can assist you not only with tax issues, but also comprehensively with your business start-up.
Selection of the right type of company
Preparation of business plans
Support in obtaining funding
Business registration
Setting up financial accounting
Many other matters
Securing the Existence and Continued Existence of a Company
For entrepreneurs, the focus is often on day-to-day business, with questions of financing and liquidity often taking a back seat. However, securing a company's existence is no child's play. A neglected business management component can impair the success of start-ups. We therefore offer tailor-made solutions and support you in ensuring financial stability and securing the company's continued existence.
Qualified annual financial statements
Company Succession and Liquidation
After successful years in business, the time comes to hand over the business to new hands. Company succession is a crucial phase that should be planned carefully and comprehensively at an early stage in order to ensure optimal tax, legal and business management implementation. In the event that no suitable successor or buyer can be found, we will of course also assist you with the dissolution of the company, for example as part of the liquidation of an LLC.
Early planning and advice on company succession
Utilization of public subsidies
Advice and support during the dissolution of the company, e.g. liquidation of an LLC
Do you need support in the area of tax consulting? Then please contact us either using the contact details provided or directly via our inquiry form, and we will work together to find a tailor-made solution for your situation.