Goodbye mountains of paper - DATEV Unternehmen online offers the option of simply uploading relevant documents and receipts to a digital cloud app, saving not only resources but above all time. Whether via computer or in the smartphone app - the application also offers other useful functions such as payment management, the pre-recording of receipts or the retrieval of digital evaluations, which are of course completely secure and encrypted.
More flexible and efficient collaboration
Paperless exchange of documents
Secure, simplified processes
DATEV Arbeitnehmer online enables you and your employees to store all important documents securely and in encrypted form in an app and thus have access to your wage, salary and social security documents at all times. This makes long consultation loops and lost documents a thing of the past.
Simple and digital pre-sorting of documents
Secure access to sensitive wage and salary data
Notification function once the documents have been provided
Thanks to the option of holding digital meetings, cumbersome appointments with long waiting times are a thing of the past. With just a few clicks and without having to install any extra software, you have the option of receiving advice at any time and from any location - and don't worry, despite digitalization, we don't compromise on a personal and human strategy.
Spontaneous appointments
Location-independent and time-saving meetings
Efficient organization of the working day